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Homecoming Mums by Erica
Homecoming Mums
Homecoming Mums
Supreme homecoming mum
Supreme mum with all the extras added including custom cuts, blinged grad cap, rhinestone lettering, acrylic trinkets, bling package, added braids, photo trinkets, photo ribbons, 3D megaphone, bows and more! Perfectly fit for a princess.
Flower sash homecoming mum
Standard sash mum with additional braids, bling package, blinged grad cap, custom cuts - activity and senior packages, rhinestone lettering, leather drill boot trinket and looped lettering
Super (angled) double homecoming mum
Super 7.5 inch double flower homecoming mum, blinged grad cap, double mum with custom cuts, acrylic trinket, mascot name cut, senior cuts, looped homecoming, additional braids and bows
Standard triple homecoming mum
This standard triple homecoming mum has three 6.5 inch flowers and is customized with crown upgrade treatment, custom cut names, activity/mascot/city cuts, monogram, additional braids, bows and boa
Super flower sash homecoming mum
Super flower sash mum with a mega mum hip flower, add on's include acrylic trinkets, 3D megaphone, blinged grad cap, custom cut outs - activity and senior packages, bling package, bows, additional braids and boa poofs.
Mega homecoming mum
Mega mum with added waterfall treatment, custom cuts and added braids. This look was achieved by selecting a "designer's choice package".
Mega homecoming mum
Mega mum, with waterfall treatment, multi functional lights, custom cuts - senior and activity packages, bling package, bows, additional braids, acrylic trinkets, 3D megaphone, and monogram cut.
Super homecoming mum
This super single homecoming mum has a 7.5 inch flower and is customized with a custom monogram, custom cut names, mascot cuts, boes and additional braids
Standard homecoming mum
Standard mum with additional braids, leather dance boot trinket, looped name and homecoming, custom cuts and bows
Looped sash homecoming mum
Looped sash homecoming mum with rhinestone lettering, custom cuts - activity and name, 3D megaphone, rhinestone trinket, bows, lights and additional braids
Peewee homecoming mum
Peewee mum with a 5.5 inch flower, additional braids, rhinestone trinket and custom cuts
Mega homecoming mum
Mega mum with custom cut name, activities cuts, looped homecoming, rhinestone lettering, additional braids, plush, rhinestone trinket and bows
Mega homecoming mum
Mega mum does in silver, white and pink. Added braids, bling package, bows, 3D megaphone, senior cuts, activity cuts and name cuts
Super double (angled) homecoming mum
Super double angled mum, custom cuts include name, city, mascot, activities, 3D megaphone, rhinestone trinket, additional braid, bows, looped and rhinestone lettering
Standard homecoming mum
Standard mum with looped name and homecoming, bows, rhinestone trinket and boa
Super homecoming mum
This super single senior mum has a 7.5 inch flower and was completed in a personality color, pink, white and silver. Add on's include bows, blinged braids, senior custom cuts, dance boot trinket and boa poofs
Triple standard homecoming mum
Triple standard mum with bling package, custom cut names, photo trinkets, boa, bows, additional braids, looped homecoming and senior rhinestone stickers, rose accents, and rhinestone trinket.
Peewee double homecoming mum
This peewee 5.5 inch double flower homecoming mum is customized with a monogram, activities cuts, name cuts, additional braids, bling package, boa, custom photo frame, premium beaded ribbon and rhinestone trinket
Standard homecoming mum
Standard single mum with added boa, custom cut outs, leather drill boot trinket, additional braids
Peewee homecoming mum
Peewee mum with added custom cuts including names, activity and mascot cuts, rhinestone trinket, single side boa and looped homecoming
Mega homecoming mum
Mega mum, custom cuts - senior, names, monogram, additional braid, 3D football, bows, and bling package
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